3 Tips to Make Tummy Time Enjoyable for Both You and Your Baby/三招讓你跟你的寶寶愛上Tummy Time

tummytime 新生兒

「我的寶寶Tummy Time一下就累了。」



你一點也不孤單。趴著玩(Tummy Time)對寶寶來說是很難的,更不用說是新生兒了。

技巧2. 趴在地上跟他臉對臉的玩。Tummy time是跟寶寶感情交流的時間。運用時間更進一步的認識你自己的寶寶。千萬不要覺得他是嬰兒,什麼都不懂。其實他們是很聰明的,所以一定要像對待一個「人」的方式對待自己的寶寶。

技巧3. 肩膀的位置高於屁股的位置。將上半身提高,對寶寶趴著玩來說會簡單很多。

我又要拿做平板來舉例了。假設你做平板時,手是撐在椅子上,是不是比撐在地板上簡單許多呢?你現在是不是在想....這樣也算Tummy time嗎?
是的,這樣也算。只要寶寶是在清醒的狀態下,趴著在玩,就是Tummy time。不是只有趴在地板上才算喔:)


假如你的寶寶依然不喜歡Tummy time,可以跟我約15 分鐘的諮詢喔。我相信我一定可以幫你們的。

“My child get tired quickly when he is doing tummy time.”

“My baby does not like tummy time.”

“She always cries during tummy time.”

Does that sound like your baby?

You are not alone. Tummy time is hard for the little body especially for a newborn. Imagining you are doing a plank for a minute. It is hard, and a minute plank actually is pretty good. Same concept for your newborn. A min is very good. They should get a 👏.
Tip #1.Start with small increments a time and several times a day.
When your baby becomes fussy, roll her out of the tummy time. She can be on her back while you interact with her. When she seems happy, you can roll her back into tummy time again.
Tip#2. Get down to their level.
Tummy time is bonding time. Utilize this time to connect with your baby, and get to know this little human. Babies are smart. We need to treat them like a “person.”
Tip #3. Shoulders are higher than hips. Elevating the upper body makes tummy time whole lot easier. I’m gonna use plank as an example again. If you do plank with both hands on a chair, isn’t it much easier than on the floor?
I know you probably have a question about if that also counts as tummy time. The answer is YES! As long as they are on the tummy during their wake time, it is tummy time.

Give it a try and let me know how it goes.

If your baby still has difficulty doing tummy time with those tips, please set up a 15 min discovery call. I’m confident that I can help you and your little one.
If you want to know more about why tummy time is important and what other things you can do to promote development as early as 0-3 month old, please watch the workshop recording.

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